Personal Coaching

Transform your life once and for all. Detect your weakest link, be it physical, mental or social and correct it so you can

Wake up inspired, go to bed grateful and in between chase your dream.

Developing your potential is truly inspiring.

Helping you overcome challenges — physical or mental, personal or professional — is a miraculous journey to behold.

…Being able to take someone from possibly their darkest moments transforms them into the person they’ve always been but just couldn't access.

 When they can finally express their most radiant self, it's humbling to witness. It is the reason why Inspired Results was founded!

I identified six areas that cannot be neglected - in fact they need to be kept in check simultaneously.

It's not enough to go after one and hope for results. It’s addressing them all so that you can come alive fully. Here's how I lead people out of their darkness and into the light (in video):

In all the confusion and misdirection around what really matters in life…

So many simply lose their way and often have no idea how to fix what they perceive to be wrong in their lives.

When you actually break the ABCDES down and develop a pattern of accountability towards them, it's nearly impossible to return to how things were before. Neglect any one of them and you can guarantee sub-optimal results.

Think about it…

How can you expect to perform at your best when you’re sleep-deprived? Mentally, physically and emotionally unwell?

And how can you meet the expectations of others too?

Your performance will clearly be less than ideal.

And it will spread to other parts of your life and impact them too.

There is no way around it. A deficiency in any one of these 6 factors will lead to a measurable decline in your performance. Stated differently, self-mastery requires that you invest in all of them because collectively they can hugely impact your performance as a human being.

Notice, though, that I didn’t specify the type of performance.

That's because no matter your focus — family, career or sports — you will eventually function optimally when these factors that contribute toward human excellence are prioritized and developed.

When I coach people on how to leverage their fear to overcome a challenge, guess what? Their whole life transforms!

That’s right… They bring more energy and vitality to their business, their relationships and their health!

Whether you’re a pro-athlete, a CEO, a grandma or simply a teenager, we can help you detect your weakest link in the ABCDES and correct it so that you can get inspired and get the results, no matter your circumstances.

ADJUSTING YOUR ATTITUDE which includes but is not limited to:

This is the subject of, Work Your Network with The 4Cs – Dr. Oudi’s Amazon best-selling book co-authored by Dr. Ivan Misner, dubbed the father of modern networking by CNN. Since the release of the title, he has been in high demand for coaching on how to elevate the 4Cs: Credibility, Competence, Clarity and Connectivity.

Here is more content related to the book Work Your Network with the 4Cs:

Building confidence and enriching content as a presenter.

A professional speaker since his College days Dr. Oudi coaches on how to deliver effective presentations which includes mastery over what he calls the inner game of confidence and the outer game of content. He says, “There is no point of having a perfectly crafted speech if you don’t have the confidence to deliver it and conversely it is pointless to have over-the-top confidence if your presentation is content poor.”

Key areas to master to step up your speaking game (In Video)

Win the war within 6 week audio program

This program helps boost your inner game pf communication namely your confidence. What's the point of a perfectly written presentation if you don't have the confidence to deliver it. Over the last 20 years Dr Oudi has asked audiences: what's most important skill in the speaking world abd hands down they answered ~ self confidenc. If your ready to come completely out of your shell as,a speaker, to win the respect of your audiences and expand your influence as a presenter, this program is for you!

In the end coaching in this area is designed ultimately for you to:

What others have said

Proper Breathing

Chiropractic and Correct posture


Eat-ology Testimonials



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Complete Transcript of Episode 774

Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you?

I have been as in the past, traveling a lot by Zoom all around the world. I’ve been to Vietnam, India; I’ve been to Thailand. But right now, I am live and in-person in France, at the BNI French conference this week. And what an amazing group of people. I love BNI France.

Yeah, that must be terrific. Well, tell us what we’re going to be learning today.

Well, I’ve got a special guest today. He’s a friend and a co-author of a book that I’ve talked about a couple of times on previous podcasts. He is Dr. Oudi Abouchacra. Gotta get that right. And Oudi is the co-author of the book, Work Your Network with The 4Cs. He’s a 23-year practicing chiropractor by day and a coach, speaker, and author by night. He is the founder of Inspired Results performance coaching and training. They focus on attitude, breathing, correct posture, diet, exercise, and sleep for the purpose of impacting not only health but human performance. It’s no surprise that he’s considered to be a chiropractor with a twist. And on top of that, Dr. Oudi is the former Executive Director of BNI Abu Dhabi. And he is, as I said, the co-author of Work Your Network with The 4Cs, which recently hit number five on Amazon’s bestseller list for marketing to small business. Dr. Oudi, welcome to BNI Podcast.

Dr. Oudi:
Thank you so much. awesome to be here. I’ve been listening to the podcast for, oh my god, decades.

Well, it’s fantastic to have you here. How did you start your networking journey? Because that is important, not only for the book, but for the message that we want to get across today.

Dr. Oudi:
Absolutely. It started back in Toronto, I was 27 years old, just opened my clinic, my father walked in, and he said, “Son, I really like what you’ve done with the place. But it’s missing one thing.” And I thought I had everything covered, Ivan, and then Dad looked around and then looked me dead in the eyes and said, “Patients! There’s nobody here; this place is empty.” And I was like, “Dad, you got to give people time to find out about me. You gotta give patients an opportunity to know I’m the new guy on the block.” And he’s like, “Son, that is your first mistake. You don’t wait for patients to find you. You go out there and you network.” And I gotta tell you, networking was… the word networking was intimidating. I don’t even think I really knew what it meant. I just knew it meant getting out of my office, the comforts of my walls, and going out there and meeting people and strangers and having to talk about what I do. So that’s when I got introduced to BNI by somebody. And yeah, the rest is history.

It was good advice from Dad. Dads sometimes give really good advice. Mine certainly has in his life.

Dr. Oudi:

Yeah. So just for the record, so everyone knows, the whole concept of the 4Cs was Dr. Oudi’s concept. And he came to me with this idea that I really, really liked, and we did this book together. But this is something that you put together — the concept, and I love it. Maybe you can share with everyone the 4Cs in a nutshell, because for BNI members, this is critical to understand in order to generate referral business. So what are the 4Cs?

Dr. Oudi:
Sure. Ivan, well, thanks. I just want to also mention that you did make a very, very important distinction in the book, which is so powerful, which I’ll get to in a second. But the 4Cs are basically the foundation for which relationships are built. And it’s not just in the business context, which of course, that is the most important and most relevant part of it. But if you go back to, you know, before there was even language, if you were sitting with your family in your cave, and somebody knocked on your imaginary cave door, you obviously would be asking a set of questions like Who is this person? and several things.

But the idea is the first question that would come to mind would most likely have nothing to do with the person’s competence. Even if the person looked like someone who would be able to help you around the house, help you with your hunting and gathering, and all that kind of stuff, the first question you’d probably be asking, and I know it’s hard to predict what people would be thinking, but it’s probably safe to assume to say that you would be questioning whether you can trust the person. Can you, you know, is it safe for your kids and your family be around this person? And so the first C is Credibility.

Even if he or she turned around, climbed a coconut tree and offered you a coconut, you wouldn’t be mesmerized and be thinking, “Oh, wow, it would be great to have this person around for food and hunting purposes,” you’d be thinking, “Can I trust the person?” So really, competence is irrelevant, unless Credibility has been established. And that is the first C Credibility.

The second C is Competence. Once you’ve ticked that Credibility box in your mind, you then want to be asking, “What’s this person’s skill set? What’s this person good at?” “How are they going to help around the house or help with your life and what you value most?” But once you establish Credibility, Competence comes in. We want to know, we want to trust the person, and we want to trust that they’re good at, let’s just say their job.

But it’s not just that either. In the social, like I said, non-business context, and even in the business context, we also want to know that this person, you want to know what this person needs in terms of help. “Do they communicate well?” And the third C is Clarity, which basically has to do with how clear you communicate. It’s very difficult to help someone if their communication is off point. It’s very difficult for people to help you if you’re not communicating clearly, and with Clarity. So that’s the third C.

And the last C, which I think is probably an underappreciated C, and that is Connectivity, which is a recent term that has to do with the quality and the quantity of your connections. So even if we go back like I said, to the times even before words, before language, we would be asking, “How well connected is this person? Who does this person know?” Because, like it or not, people are judging how connected you are. And people want to rub shoulders with people who are well connected, because those who are well connected, are going to help you make the connections you need.

Because we know that, behind every successful man stands a woman, and behind every successful woman perhaps stands a man. Or behind every successful person stands a person. But also every door that leads to an opportunity, there’s a person standing in front of you, in front of that door. And so it’s important to be able to connect to those people who can open doors for you. So those are the 4Cs in a nutshell.

The only caveat, the only little twist in the business context, is that Competence comes first. Because we are not going to refer someone if we don’t think they’re good at their job. And so that’s pretty much it. The only thing in the business context we’ve got to think about is it starts with Competence, then we go to Credibility, Clarity and Connectivity, as opposed to starting with Credibility in the in the non-business, social context, and interactions with people at large.

So how did you struggle with the 4Cs in your early career?

Dr. Oudi:
You know, that’s the thing, when I first got involved in BNI, I really didn’t understand why some people get referrals, and some people don’t. And after 20 years of being in BNI, I was able to distill it down to these 4Cs. And I can tell you, for me, the biggest challenge for me was Clarity of communication. So I’m a US and Canadian Board Certified Chiropractor, so I think from a Competence point of view, I ticked that box. And Credibility-wise I was okay. But when it came to communication, I really struggled, Ivan. I mean, it was really, really difficult to be concise and precise, and really get a message across in a networking context within, you know, under 60 seconds in our weekly presentation. So that was probably my toughest C, and it cost me big time.

How did it cost you? Time I’m guessing, it took a while for people to really understand how to refer you.

Dr. Oudi:
It did. I think it cost definitely time. If I want to stick to the Cs concept, so it cost time, it cost cash, it cost confidence, because every time you speak ineffectively, you then start to second guess yourself, and then you lose confidence for the next presentation. It’s huge. Again, I think most people underappreciate all these Cs, but specifically with communication, most people think that they’re effective communicators. But if you ask their peers, many times, they’ll say, “I don’t really get what they do. I don’t really understand them.”

Right. We’re almost out of time. What’s the most powerful way to develop the Cs? And could you speak briefly about the 4Cs peer-to-peer assessment that we have in the book?

Dr. Oudi:
Absolutely. So definitely, it’s important to work on each one of those and maybe ask those that may be in your Power Teams or people that you’re very close to for real, honest feedback. But the problem is, most people will not necessarily tell you what they really think because it’s tough; it’s hard to give critical feedback. And it’s also not necessarily assumed that you’re going to receive it well. So the peer-to-peer assessment is an anonymous survey that goes out to your members, for example, in the chapter. You can also do this outside of BNI in organizations, but just imagine every member of your chapter rated you anonymously on these 4Cs. And imagine you got a scorecard that basically said, You’re nine out of 10 with Credibility, nine out of ten with Competence. Maybe you score three out of 10 with Clarity, and nine out of 10 in Connectivity. Guess what, you know, not only what you need to work on, but what you don’t need to work on so much, that way you can just maintain.

Yeah, the peer-to-peer assessment is a great concept. It’s one of the things, one of the many things that you brought to the book, and I really like it. I urge people to pick up a copy of the book and do some of the 4C peer-to-peer assessments. Dr. Oudi, thank you so much for being on BNI podcast. Any last comment before I wrap?

Dr. Oudi:
No, I just want to thank you so much for having me. And I really think it’s important for people not to just walk around assuming that they know how their members are perceiving them. But really to, number one, ask those that are close to you, but also consider doing a 4Cs assessment, maybe at the transition of leadership teams, or at some point in BNI, because it’ll just really help you understand where you sit in the eyes of your fellow members.

Yeah. Well, thank you so much. Again, the name of the book is Work Your Network with The 4Cs. We’ll have a linkto it here on the podcast. And for more information about Dr. Oudi, go to That’s Thank you so much. I appreciate you being here. And of course, I appreciate co-authoring the book with you.

Dr. Oudi:
Thank you, Ivan, it’s been a pleasure.

Over to you Priscilla.

Okay, perfect. Thanks for the great information.

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Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.