Get Inspired FAQs

The answer is no. See research in psychology in that last twenty years or so, has shifted attention away from stressors and coping [1] to an emphasis on mindset and growing from adversity. This is exactly what I have been focused on since 2003 namely how to overcome your challenges by boosting mental toughness, grip and resilience plus taking inspired action. This is a superior approach than simply offering stress coping mechanisms which are indirect, temporary and therefore largely ineffective. What’s interesting is that by doing so stress dissipates automatically [2]. What you will be left with is more mental fitness, toughness and durability.


[1] Int J Psychol Res (Medellin). 2018 Jul-Dec; 11(2): 8–18. Introduction paragraph 1:

[2] Evidence shows that people who reported and maintained adversarial growth over time were less distressed subsequently. See abstract:

My most frequently requested coaching topics are: interpersonal conflict, bereavement, divorce, and performance issues be them personal or professional. I also coach individuals with physical and mental health challenges. Since I have been networking and speaking professionally for two decades I’m frequently sought after to coach on developing networking skills and  overcoming public speaking challenges from boosting confidence to creating content rich presentations.  

I use primarily the Fear Forward method that I developed after 20 years of coaching. However I often use the Demartini Method and NLP. The areas of my coaching focus is more often than not centered around the ABCDES: Attitude, Breathing, Chiropractic/Correct Posture, Diet, Exercise, Sleep. For businesses I also use the 4Cs peer to peer assessment that was developed by myself and Dr. Ivan Misner in our book Work Your Network with the 4Cs.

I am not a psychiatrist nor a psychologist but a holistic chiropractor and coach whose cause is to address the cause of your challenges. As chiropractors we often advise on stress, nutrition and lifestyle. I started off as an intuitive coach applying the basics from what I learned in my bachelors in psychology.

My confidence grew after consuming personal and professional development material from luminaries in the field (for example, Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Antony Robbins, and Bob Proctor to name a few). I worked closely with Dr. John F. Demartini, who is at the cutting edge of the field. He was rated the top human behavioral specialist of the year in 2020 by IAOTP (the International Association of Top Professionals). For decades I have been drawing on my experience using the Demartini method ® and my Master NLP coaching certification that I acquired from the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming in New York.

I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on psychology and personal/professional development content and almost every waking hour since approximately 2001 focused on understanding how to get one’s thoughts and lifestyle working for them. The focus of my coaching centers around performance. After all, my clients seek coaching in order to perform better in some area of their life. This could be for better results in their business, their relationships or their health and wellness.

My cause is to get at the cause of your challenges be them personal or professional, mental or physical, to provide you with solutions you can reuse and to generate results that are measurable.

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